Financial literacy in the classroom

Financial literacy is one of the focal points of Iconomix. In a world that is becoming ever more financially complex and interconnected, a sound education in personal finance is essential in order to be able to make responsible decisions.

Iconomix, the educational programme of the Swiss National Bank (SNB), is aimed at the entire upper secondary level in Switzerland. It is therefore multilingual (German/French/Italian/English). However, not all teaching modules are available in all languages.

Iconomix currently offers six teaching units on personal finance in German, one of which is also available in English. These six units are characterised in particular by the fact that they deal with problems that are relevant to everyday life. This ensures that what has been learnt can be applied directly.

In developing the content of these practical, real-life units, Iconomix works closely with specialist agencies such as the Swiss Budget Counselling Service and the Zurich Debt Prevention Service.

These collaborations make it possible to incorporate a high level of expertise and practical relevance into the units, which further increases the attractiveness and effectiveness of the Iconomix programme on personal finance.

Here are some specific examples (as mentioned, currently available in German and one in English):


Geld und Glück Money and happiness (in German: Geld und Glück)
This unit takes a playful approach to money and the dangers of getting into a debt spiral.
Digitales Zahlen und Budgetieren

Digital payments and budgeting (in German: Gamen, Shoppen, Budgetieren)
Five case studies examine financial aspects in three key areas of young people's everyday digital lives: gaming, shopping and budgeting.

Konsumkredit Consumer loan (in German: Konsumkredit)
The advantages and disadvantages of the five forms of financing - cash credit, leasing, instalment contract, rental and purchase - are examined and compared using five case studies.
Altersvorsorge Old-age pension provision (available in English)
This unit covers the basics of the OASI system, the occupational pension system and the future challenges of the Swiss pension system.
Regress einfach erklärt Recourse explained (in German: Regress einfach erklärt)
This video topic block unit deals with the legal, financial and insurance-related consequences following an accident.
Finanzkompetenz Financial Literacy (in German: Finanzkompetenz)
The unit "financial literacy" is structured as a learning platform. The platform will cover different aspects of financial literacy that are relevant in the lives of young people, like earning and spending money, saving and investing or dealing with risks.


Some of the personal finance units, which are currently only available in German, will be translated into English in the near future.

Article by:
Lukas Gebhardt
created on 14.08.2024
modified at 19.08.2024

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