Up-to-date units for economics teaching

Iconomix, the digital educational programme developed by the Swiss National Bank, provides units on current topics for teachers of economics. By offering this service, we promote economic literacy and equal opportunities.

Lernspiel Pitgame - Szene im Unterricht
Teacher in the classroom - symbolic image

Around 1,800 upper secondary school
teachers actively use Iconomix resources
to teach economics and social studies.

Brettspiel SOS - Momentaufnahme

Your benefits with Iconomix


Iconomix develops didactically enhanced teaching units tailored to the Swiss education system.


Iconomix topics and educational examples are true to life and continuously adapted to current developments.


Iconomix enables activity-oriented teaching that harnesses the potential of playful, multimedial learning.


Iconomix contributes to the digital transformation of schools at the level of both preparing and teaching.


All Iconomix teaching units are based on sound economic and educational principles, and have been tested in the classroom as well as reviewed by external experts.


Iconomix is the most frequently used supplementary programme for teaching economics at Swiss baccalaureate and vocational schools.

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From the Iconomix editorial team

We bring you Iconomix news and recommend articles and offerings from our partners as well as from leading experts in the fields of economics and education.


Low levels of sustainable finance literacy in Switzerland

In a world where climate change is an ever-present topic, the finance sector becomes the target of vivid discussions about the role of sustainable investing.

A recent study examined how much Swiss households know about socially, environmentally and economically sustainable investment products. We provide you with a short summary of the key facts.

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Games and Experiments with MobLab: Interview with Nathanael Berger

MobLab is an educational platform with games and experiments for teaching economic concepts. Nathanael Berger, Director for Customer Success at MobLab and Economic and Law teacher at Gymnasium Oberwil talks in the interview about the games and experiments from MobLab and how to use them in class.

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Daniel Kahneman: The founder of behavioural economics

Daniel Kahneman, an important psychologist of the 20th century, combined psychology and economics. His findings challenged traditional economic theory and led to the emergence of behavioural economics.

An NZZ article in German looks back on Kahneman's work. We provide a brief summary here.

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Financial Education in Germany: Interview with Carmela Aprea

Last year, Germany launched a nationwide strategy to improve the financial literacy of the population.

We wanted to find out more from financial education expert Carmela Aprea about the aims and approach of Germany's financial education strategy and asked her why there is no comparable initiative in Switzerland to date.

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Old-age pension provision

Few topics cause as much unease among young adults in Switzerland as pension provision and security in old age.

The new Iconomix-unit «Old-age pension provision» teaches the basics of OASI, occupational pensions and the challenges of the Swiss pension system.

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Economic trends, winter 2023/2024

The latest edition of the Economic trends publication, which is based on the SECO publication ‘Konjunkturtendenzen’/‘Tendances conjoncturelles’, is now available. The topics are the current economic situation and the outlook for Switzerland in 2024 and 2025. 

The Federal Government’s Expert Group expects real GDP growth (adjusted for major sporting events) of 1.1% for 2024 and 1.7% for 2025. The economic risks remain high.

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Unveiling the Legacy of Hetty Green

Henrietta “Hetty” Green, famously known as the “Witch of Wall Street,” left an enduring mark on financial history. Upon her passing in July 1916, she was celebrated as the world's wealthiest woman, gathering a fortune equivalent to billions in today's terms.

An article from the financial education website bluetree provides insights into Hetty Green's extraordinary life and financial wisdom. We present a summary.

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Financial literacy in Switzerland

Although financial literacy in Switzerland is higher compared to other countries, it also faces challenges. While many institutions and firms offer financial literacy programs, the lack of a national strategy to coordinate these programs currently stands in the way of further improvements in financial literacy in Switzerland.


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Portrait von Ricardo Reis

How did public debt rise so high?

Over the past decades, public debt has increased worldwide. Ricardo Reis, professor of economics at the London School of Economics, explains the reasons for this development and gives a prediction for the future course in a video. In this article we summarise the most important insights.

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A selection of our partners

Education always involves teamwork. Accordingly, Iconomix would like to thank the partners who help us create a modern teaching programme for economics and social studies at upper secondary level.