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Occupational pension

Factsheet with task

Occupational pension

Accumulating assets to maintain standard of living in old age.


The unit addresses the occupational pension system, its objectives, how it functions and the challenges it faces.

  • A factsheet presents the basics.
  • Students work through the material in a set of practical tasks.

Learning objectives

Students can...

  • assess who pays how much in occupational pension contributions and who receives how much in pension;
  • interpret the deductions on a payslip and do their own calculations on that basis;
  • explain the principle of occupational pension funding and how it fits into the context of the overall economy;
  • describe the flows of income and expenditure in occupational pensions and briefly explain the main challenges.



Occupational pension

The accompanying practical tasks enable students to get into the subject matter more easily. They also help students work through the content of the factsheet and go into it in more depth.


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Additional information



Occupational pension: The second pillar and pension funds explained

Credits – Occupational pension


Subject matter consultants:
Professor Christoph A. Schaltegger and Dr Melanie Häner, Institute for Swiss Economic Policy (IWP) at the University of Lucerne

Didactic consultant:
Dr Daniel Schmuki, Swiss Federal University for Vocational Education and Training SFUVET

clearbrand gmbh, Zurich

Translation & proofreading:
SNB Language Services

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