Team and interns

Iconomix is an economics education programme run by a small team of SNB staff members in Zurich and Lausanne. The core Iconomix team comprises six regular employees and, as a rule, two university interns.

«Iconomix is an idea supported and shaped by countless people.»

Manuel Wälti
Head of Iconomix

«Iconomix takes a playful, interactive approach that speaks to the everyday experience of students.»

Julia Erdin
Community German-speaking Switzerland

«Students are individuals, not a homogeneous mass.
The goal of Iconomix is to motivate them.»

Sébastien Bétrisey
Community French-speaking and Italian-speaking Switzerland

«The many contacts with partners and specialists are both a challenge and an inspiration.»

Sibylle Brodbeck
Administration and back office

«The thematic diversity shows how important economics is, as well as all the contexts in which it is applied.»

Bettina Mazenauer
Publishing and Support

«Understanding basic economic principles helps you recognise many complex interrelationships.»

Lorenz Saladin
Webmaster and Support

«Aktuelle Entwicklungen zu  verstehen wird einfacher, wenn man ein ökonomisches Basiswissen besitzt.»

Schahin Bajka
University intern

«Iconomix transfers complex economic issues into the realities of young students.»

Lukas Gebhardt
University intern

«It’s easier to understand current developments if you have a sound grasp of economic principles.»

Eva Wettstein
University intern